Sherry Anderson | Paraplanner | Cornerstone Wealth Services

Sherry Anderson

Marketing Manager/Paraplanner

Sherry Anderson joined Cornerstone Wealth Services in early 2024 as Marketing Manager.  In addition to promoting the growth of our office, Sherry assists with planning and data entry.  Providing a deep, personal appreciation for financial planning, she demonstrates a respectful understanding of our clients' needs.  Sherry prides herself on her relatable personality and confidential nature, and she offers a great level of attention to detail.

Occupying her time outside the office are Sherry’s two children, Brianna and Madden.  Most often, she can be found following her son’s high school sporting events or visiting her daughter at the University of Arkansas.   In giving back to her hometown, Sherry is a board member of several youth organizations and assists with the local fire department.